Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pretty Woman Polo Dresses


The president expressed Production Commission, after meeting with head of the sector and fishermen.

Production Minister, Jorge Villasante, pledged to prohibit the sailing of vessels industrial owners who have debts to the Fisherman's Benefit Fund pursuant to Supreme Decree No. 003-2007-PRODUCE force.

This was stated the president of the Committee on Production, Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives Congress, Dacia Nena Escalante León, after Yesterday's meeting held with the owner of the sector and various associations of fishermen of the Peruvian coast.

Villasante stated that to guarantee the application of that rule which requires the certificate of no debts to grant the departure of the industrial vessels and develop the fishing and quarrying.

said the goal is to inject liquidity into the Social Benefits Fund of the Fisherman and guarantee the payment of pensions of thousands of retired fishermen in the country.

The minister offered Villasante request to the Superintendency of Banking and Insurance (SBS) the report on the liquidation of the Fisherman's Fund to meet the actual situation on their assets.

leaders of the unions of fishermen witnessed the dramatic situation living with their families for breach of their pensions, despite having contributed for many years to the Fund fisherman, so they considered that the entity's financial crisis is due to the failure of the contributions of the owners and the State, as well as mismanagement.

They made a settlement proposal by the enactment of the law that provides fishermen a fair pay (22.4% by fishing TM) and the frontal attack of "black fish" that threatens the sustainability of the fishery resource and is also a way to avoid paying the CBSP, which would revive the Fisherman's Fund.

also noted that Escalante was treated with Minister on the Special Scheme Fisheries in southern Peru (DS 003-2007-PRODUCE), from parallel 16 ° South (Penthouse) to the border with Chile, which allows penetration of industrial vessels within five nautical miles. He said fishermen in Morro Sama (the most important fishing port of Tacna) and reports collected in their travels to the south show that there is a serious problem on the sustainability of aquatic resources, a situation that would be evidenced by decreased biomass anchovy and species for direct human consumption. In addition, evidence of corruption in the use of the funds managed by PROSUR.

Asimismo, se escuchó a los trabajadores de la empresa Shougan, quienes denunciaron que una gran cantidad de ellos han dejado de trabajar al haber paralizado gran parte de sus operaciones de transformación, ya que prefieren exportar el mineral en bruto, situación perjudicial para al Estado en cuánto a una menor recaudación de impuestos y a la industria nacional al dejar de proveer materia prima a Sider Perú.

Igualmente, escuchó al alcalde de Quilca y a un sector de la población de ese puerto, que apoyan la instalación de las fábricas de harina de pescado Triarc and Natalia SAC., Opinions differ greatly to other sectors of civil society, the Regional Government of Arequipa, Municipality and Provincial Camaná INC itself, it has indicated that these plants have invaded archaeological sites.

Congressman John Pari, representative of Tacna and chairman of the Labor Committee, also attended the meeting.


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