Saturday, November 13, 2010

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Ollanta Humala was sent to all: "Corruption is everywhere" PROHIBIT Claw

nationalist candidate for President of the Republic mentioned cases of corruption involving Congress, the Executive Branch and the city of Lima.

presidential candidate for the Nationalist Party, Ollanta Humala , began his speech before an audience of businessmen from the CADE and recalled the most notorious of corruption that have rocked various Peruvian government over the past 20 years.
Thus, Humala Tasso recalled there is "a congressman who relies on his parliamentary immunity does not want to go to the Public Ministry for its demonstration will take corruption issues," a clear allusion to the refusal of the parliamentary and presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori to testify before the Attorney's Office about the source of money that financed his studies abroad. "The studies I pay my children do not need that pay the Peruvian people," said
The nationalist leader also said a new government yours does not allow the creation of political parties forged signatures, referring to the complaint against the party of former president Alejandro Toledo , Peru Posible.
He added that "no money will steal or tolerate vanish through millions in debt payments by companies created for that purpose and then collect that money, dissolve," referring to allegations against former mayor and presidential candidate, Luis Castañeda on the case Comunicore .
"We will not allow the works are overvalued, many sometimes double what was budgeted, "he added referring to criticism of the works of Castaneda as the Metropolitan .
PETROAUDIOS E lifetime ban
Humala said that "we will not compromise to leave to a lower-ranking officer to save the neck of the president," and cited the case of ; the petroaudios he was involved in the close environment of President Alan García.
To combat corruption, which he said "is everywhere, "Humala proposed the following measures:
" The impeachment trial : "commitment to any candidate for President of the Republic to take up residence in Peru at the end of his term, so you can answer for the asset and liability management. We do it because in the past 20 years the presidents of Peru and will escape. "
-La applicability of corruption offenses "because there are presidents who run away when they are accused of corruption and expect to be prescribed by the crime, calling for the prescription and then come as heroes to re-enter politics. " Humala was referring to President Alan Garcia, who was able to return to Peru after a decade of exile in France and Colombia accused of corruption.
- "The lifetime ban the corrupt official puts it out to the people's money."
- "We need a president 100% loyal to the country and that means a president who only has a passport, Peru, otherwise hide his dual citizenship and, when burned potatoes, take out your other passport and escape the country and take refuge in another country. We do not want to be the laughingstock seeing president resigned by fax, "he said, referring to the resignation in 2000 of former president Alberto Fujimori .
Source: El Comercio, 13/11/2010


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