Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Inflatable Baby Ring Walkers

LAW AS DEFINED 5 nautical miles exclusive area TRADITIONAL FISHING

  • also repeals Supreme Decrees 017-92-PE and 003-2008 - PRODUCTION ;
    Standard provides penalties of fines and suspension of concession, permit or fishing license 6 months to comply the
  • The Commission Production, Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives Congress Republic, who chairs the congressman chimbotana Dacia Nena Escalante León, in today's regular meeting approved the Act defines as exclusive zone for artisanal fishing and activities aquaculture, the coastal strip between the 0 and 5 nautical miles.
    also concerned that the rule declared as protected area of \u200b\u200bflora and fauna in it and in the coves, natural banks and islands located in the coastal belt.

    Also, that one hundred percent of the species are selected from designated fishing zone is intended only to supply human consumption (CHD), other products aquaculture exports.
    addition, which is banned nationwide in the fishing area using seine nets and trawling craft and industrial as well as the use of methods, fishing gear and equipment to modify the bio-ecological conditions of the marine habitat.

    respect to sanctions for noncompliance, said that "the owners, industrial establishments, fishing and persons performing artisanal fishing are punished with fines and suspension of the concession, authorization or fishing license for up to six months, following the principles of reasonableness and proportionality, subject to other penalties applicable regulations.
    In that sense, be granted to persons fishing activity carried out within one year after the rule of law, for adequacy of their gear and fishing gear.
    also provides control and monitoring within 5 miles is done by the Ministry of Production in coordination with each regional government.

    Finally, provides for the repeal of Supreme Decrees No. 017-92-PE and 003-2008-PRODUCE, the latter establishing Special Dietary Fish (REP) for the development of fishing industrial, with the permission of regional governments of the southern coast.

    Congressmen Thomas Zamudio, Martha Acosta, Martin Rivas and Dacia Escalante, the Nationalist Party, as well as APRA Congressman Luis Negreiros, voted in favor, and against the congressman APRA Lourdes Mendoza. The congressmen, Jorge Torres (APRA) and Carlos Canepa La Cotera, also present at the meeting, supported by its arguments, the adoption of the law.

    Lima, November 23, 2010.


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