Monday, November 29, 2010

Texting History Log Tmobile


I know that I exist because I hear mourn
Antonio Gamoneda

I hear a muffled sob and anonymous

humble sob lost between times

almost a prayer of a man who can not pray
otherwise than keep crying

that is a prayer bent

under the skin of sky

farmer who cries his prayer

sandstone and hear my prayer that tears
as fleeting impression

ash and so from time
and so from the beginning We posed

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Inflatable Baby Ring Walkers

LAW AS DEFINED 5 nautical miles exclusive area TRADITIONAL FISHING

  • also repeals Supreme Decrees 017-92-PE and 003-2008 - PRODUCTION ;
    Standard provides penalties of fines and suspension of concession, permit or fishing license 6 months to comply the
  • The Commission Production, Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives Congress Republic, who chairs the congressman chimbotana Dacia Nena Escalante León, in today's regular meeting approved the Act defines as exclusive zone for artisanal fishing and activities aquaculture, the coastal strip between the 0 and 5 nautical miles.
    also concerned that the rule declared as protected area of \u200b\u200bflora and fauna in it and in the coves, natural banks and islands located in the coastal belt.

    Also, that one hundred percent of the species are selected from designated fishing zone is intended only to supply human consumption (CHD), other products aquaculture exports.
    addition, which is banned nationwide in the fishing area using seine nets and trawling craft and industrial as well as the use of methods, fishing gear and equipment to modify the bio-ecological conditions of the marine habitat.

    respect to sanctions for noncompliance, said that "the owners, industrial establishments, fishing and persons performing artisanal fishing are punished with fines and suspension of the concession, authorization or fishing license for up to six months, following the principles of reasonableness and proportionality, subject to other penalties applicable regulations.
    In that sense, be granted to persons fishing activity carried out within one year after the rule of law, for adequacy of their gear and fishing gear.
    also provides control and monitoring within 5 miles is done by the Ministry of Production in coordination with each regional government.

    Finally, provides for the repeal of Supreme Decrees No. 017-92-PE and 003-2008-PRODUCE, the latter establishing Special Dietary Fish (REP) for the development of fishing industrial, with the permission of regional governments of the southern coast.

    Congressmen Thomas Zamudio, Martha Acosta, Martin Rivas and Dacia Escalante, the Nationalist Party, as well as APRA Congressman Luis Negreiros, voted in favor, and against the congressman APRA Lourdes Mendoza. The congressmen, Jorge Torres (APRA) and Carlos Canepa La Cotera, also present at the meeting, supported by its arguments, the adoption of the law.

    Lima, November 23, 2010.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Symptoms: Hurts To Swallow, Sore Neck


smiling in the photo looking at the six
impermeable horizon

glass lens

recall was the result of a moment of great joy that I look with eyes arrested

initialed time with minimal time
the slight flicker of a pose
that froze on us and

a silent sentinel at the oblivion imperturbable
test of bias in the truth of our lives

after everything has continued

some are no longer among us
but I can feel the vibrations
beating beside me sometimes

other cause
you want to continue on the side of the living

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How Much Do Cma's Make In Dialysis

Ollanta Humala was sent to all: "Corruption is everywhere" PROHIBIT Claw

nationalist candidate for President of the Republic mentioned cases of corruption involving Congress, the Executive Branch and the city of Lima.

presidential candidate for the Nationalist Party, Ollanta Humala , began his speech before an audience of businessmen from the CADE and recalled the most notorious of corruption that have rocked various Peruvian government over the past 20 years.
Thus, Humala Tasso recalled there is "a congressman who relies on his parliamentary immunity does not want to go to the Public Ministry for its demonstration will take corruption issues," a clear allusion to the refusal of the parliamentary and presidential candidate Keiko Fujimori to testify before the Attorney's Office about the source of money that financed his studies abroad. "The studies I pay my children do not need that pay the Peruvian people," said
The nationalist leader also said a new government yours does not allow the creation of political parties forged signatures, referring to the complaint against the party of former president Alejandro Toledo , Peru Posible.
He added that "no money will steal or tolerate vanish through millions in debt payments by companies created for that purpose and then collect that money, dissolve," referring to allegations against former mayor and presidential candidate, Luis Castañeda on the case Comunicore .
"We will not allow the works are overvalued, many sometimes double what was budgeted, "he added referring to criticism of the works of Castaneda as the Metropolitan .
PETROAUDIOS E lifetime ban
Humala said that "we will not compromise to leave to a lower-ranking officer to save the neck of the president," and cited the case of ; the petroaudios he was involved in the close environment of President Alan García.
To combat corruption, which he said "is everywhere, "Humala proposed the following measures:
" The impeachment trial : "commitment to any candidate for President of the Republic to take up residence in Peru at the end of his term, so you can answer for the asset and liability management. We do it because in the past 20 years the presidents of Peru and will escape. "
-La applicability of corruption offenses "because there are presidents who run away when they are accused of corruption and expect to be prescribed by the crime, calling for the prescription and then come as heroes to re-enter politics. " Humala was referring to President Alan Garcia, who was able to return to Peru after a decade of exile in France and Colombia accused of corruption.
- "The lifetime ban the corrupt official puts it out to the people's money."
- "We need a president 100% loyal to the country and that means a president who only has a passport, Peru, otherwise hide his dual citizenship and, when burned potatoes, take out your other passport and escape the country and take refuge in another country. We do not want to be the laughingstock seeing president resigned by fax, "he said, referring to the resignation in 2000 of former president Alberto Fujimori .
Source: El Comercio, 13/11/2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Pretty Woman Polo Dresses


The president expressed Production Commission, after meeting with head of the sector and fishermen.

Production Minister, Jorge Villasante, pledged to prohibit the sailing of vessels industrial owners who have debts to the Fisherman's Benefit Fund pursuant to Supreme Decree No. 003-2007-PRODUCE force.

This was stated the president of the Committee on Production, Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives Congress, Dacia Nena Escalante León, after Yesterday's meeting held with the owner of the sector and various associations of fishermen of the Peruvian coast.

Villasante stated that to guarantee the application of that rule which requires the certificate of no debts to grant the departure of the industrial vessels and develop the fishing and quarrying.

said the goal is to inject liquidity into the Social Benefits Fund of the Fisherman and guarantee the payment of pensions of thousands of retired fishermen in the country.

The minister offered Villasante request to the Superintendency of Banking and Insurance (SBS) the report on the liquidation of the Fisherman's Fund to meet the actual situation on their assets.

leaders of the unions of fishermen witnessed the dramatic situation living with their families for breach of their pensions, despite having contributed for many years to the Fund fisherman, so they considered that the entity's financial crisis is due to the failure of the contributions of the owners and the State, as well as mismanagement.

They made a settlement proposal by the enactment of the law that provides fishermen a fair pay (22.4% by fishing TM) and the frontal attack of "black fish" that threatens the sustainability of the fishery resource and is also a way to avoid paying the CBSP, which would revive the Fisherman's Fund.

also noted that Escalante was treated with Minister on the Special Scheme Fisheries in southern Peru (DS 003-2007-PRODUCE), from parallel 16 ° South (Penthouse) to the border with Chile, which allows penetration of industrial vessels within five nautical miles. He said fishermen in Morro Sama (the most important fishing port of Tacna) and reports collected in their travels to the south show that there is a serious problem on the sustainability of aquatic resources, a situation that would be evidenced by decreased biomass anchovy and species for direct human consumption. In addition, evidence of corruption in the use of the funds managed by PROSUR.

Asimismo, se escuchó a los trabajadores de la empresa Shougan, quienes denunciaron que una gran cantidad de ellos han dejado de trabajar al haber paralizado gran parte de sus operaciones de transformación, ya que prefieren exportar el mineral en bruto, situación perjudicial para al Estado en cuánto a una menor recaudación de impuestos y a la industria nacional al dejar de proveer materia prima a Sider Perú.

Igualmente, escuchó al alcalde de Quilca y a un sector de la población de ese puerto, que apoyan la instalación de las fábricas de harina de pescado Triarc and Natalia SAC., Opinions differ greatly to other sectors of civil society, the Regional Government of Arequipa, Municipality and Provincial Camaná INC itself, it has indicated that these plants have invaded archaeological sites.

Congressman John Pari, representative of Tacna and chairman of the Labor Committee, also attended the meeting.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Is Breaking Out A Sign Of Your Period

Coffee Growers cooperative in the Central Selva honoring Congresswoman

On Saturday October 30 in San Ramon
occasion of the celebration of 44th anniversary of the Cooperative FLORIDA coffee in Chandigarh, the coffee cooperative throughout the Central Selva expressed appreciation to the commitment and dedication of Congressman Escalante, President of the Committee on Production Micro and small enterprises and cooperatives, which culminated in the adoption dela amendment to the Act that requires the Cooperative Act. (See note)

Chairman of the Board of Directors of The Agrarian Coffee Cooperative of Florida, Mr. Joseph Roger Gonzalez Diaz

The House of Congress approved by a majority vote and second opinion Bill No. 3747/2009-CR that clarifications made to articles 3 and 66 General Law of Cooperatives, said the chairman of the Committee on Production, Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives, Dacia Nena Escalante León.
"The initiative comes to solving a current problem of diverse types of cooperatives, with the exception of credit unions, which face serious tax problems because of ignorance of the philosophy and characteristics of cooperatives, more precisely by the act cooperative, so that the Tax Court SUNAT and are ignoring and distorting the scope of those articles of the Law on Cooperatives, which Amended Text was approved by the DS-TR 074-90, "said Congressman Escalante.
noted that the standard specifies and defines the cooperative act as one that is performed internally between the cooperatives and their members in pursuance of its objects which are acts proper representation and a mandate are not profit profit.
explained that this recognition of the cooperative act allows among others the IR inafectación by net income from operations carried out by cooperatives with their partners.
even said that the ILO through Recommendation 193, on the framework policy and the role of governments for the states to establish cooperatives that measures to support cooperatives could include among others, as far as possible tax advantages.
addition, the special committee to evaluate the implementation of ILO Recommendation 193 recommended establishing a new General Law of Cooperatives, which must be technically and excenta of issues that confront with existing policies.
therefore considered that the proposal is in relation to government policies on administrative simplification, treatment firms non-discriminatory fiscal policy against tax exemptions and benefits.
Escalante said that the main benefits of the standard are: the thousands of families across our country cooperative, who for many years have been building this model as a way out of poverty, encourage partnership and dependability through cooperatives, etc.

Finally, she stated that the adoption of the law has no impact can generate significant negative fiscal impact since cooperatives provide an IR of only 00.7 of the total collected by the Sunat in 2008, and provide much aI IGV 0.11 of the total collected by the SUNAT in the same period.

Lima, October 14, 2010

What Time Do The Queens Blvd Courts Open

Nena Escalante Work desk with Agro San Jacinto Cesar Alvarez

Front Defense and Guilds of San Jacinto had a desk,
promoted by the Escalante Nena Congressman Leon
October 27, finally able to meet representatives of the San Jacinto town center with representatives of San Agribusiness Jacinto to address an agenda of challenges and demands of the population.
The expected meeting began at 11 am and lasted until 3 pm.
dialogue, very successful, judging by the parties, concluded important agreements.