Sunday, October 17, 2010

Volleyball Ribbon Purple


chairman of the Committee informed of production, Dacia Nena Escalante León.

El Pleno del Congreso aprobó por mayoría y en segunda votación el Dictamen Proyecto de Ley N° 3747/2009-CR, que formula precisiones a los artículos 3 y 66 de la Ley General de Cooperativas, informó la presidenta de la Comisión de Producción, Micro y Pequeña Empresa y Cooperativas, Dacia Nena Escalante León.

“La iniciativa viene a solucionar un problema actual de diversos tipos de cooperativas, a excepción de las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito, que enfrentan graves problemas tributarios por desconocimiento of philosophy and characteristics of cooperatives, more precisely by the cooperative, so that the Tax Court SUNAT and are ignoring and distorting the scope of those articles of the Law on Cooperatives, which Amended Text was approved by the DS 074 - 90-TR, "said Congressman Escalante.

noted that the standard specifies and defines the cooperative act as one that is performed internally between the cooperatives and their members in pursuance of its objects which are themselves acts of a mandate and have no representation profit.

He explained that this recognition of the cooperative act allows among others the IR inafectación by net income from operations that perform the work with our partners.

even stated that the ILO through Recommendation 193, concerning the policy framework and the role of governments to establish cooperatives indicates that measures to support cooperatives could include , among others, as far as possible tax advantages.

addition, the special commission to evaluate compliance of ILO Recommendation 193 recommended establishing a new General Law of Cooperatives, which must be technically and excenta of issues that confront with existing policies.

therefore considered that the proposal is in relation to government policies on administrative simplification, non-discriminatory treatment between companies facing fiscal exemptions and tax benefits.

Escalante said that the main benefits of the standard are: the thousands of families across our country cooperative, who for many years to come building this model as a way out of poverty, encourage partnership and dependability through cooperatives, etc.
Congressman Leon Escalante recent visit to Carhuayoc-Huari artisans
Finally, she stated that the adoption of the law has no significant impact that can generate tax purposes negative since cooperatives provide an IR of only 00.7 of the total collected by the Sunat in 2008, and how much aI 0.11 IGV bring the total raised by SUNAT in the same period.

Dr. Escalante visit Ceviche Contest in Casma
Lima, October 14, 2010

with the request of its distribution ; ;

Press: 311-7586/988548660


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