Sunday, October 24, 2010

Electric Blue Jack De

Congress must respond by food friaje Project

Congressman Dacia Escalante asked Nena
* Legislator was in Huaraz investigating this issue, calling it outrageous
* Verify that product labels name and logo are the Regional Government of Ancash


The finding about 100 tons of products destined for the local friaje
Cuenta Conmigo
political movement and health centers in the province of Huari has attracted interest from
members of Congress of the Republic, so that Oversight Committee of the Chamber aims
include Ancash regional president on leave Avarez César Aguilar, to give his demonstration in a
research process to be held against him.

This was said Nena Escalante nationalist MP Leon, who is personally investigating this
fact, indicating that only the discharge of these products in the Palace of Justice in Huaraz took two days
due to the large number of items were seized by the anti-corruption prosecutor in this city José Czech

"Preserved are labeled with the name of the Regional Government of Ancash: friaje Program. The prosecutor
has told me that suppliers have stated that these products were purchased by the Region.
We are requesting documentation of the case, "he said adding that these resources were apparently
used in the election campaign to seek re-election of Cesar Alvarez. Escalante
Last year the Board authorized the Regional Government spending nine million
soles for the purchase of products for the benefit of victims of the cold wave that strikes the
Andean region of Ancash

"It's outrageous. So many people who were affected by cold and not have to eat and these products are already
decaying, "he added.

should be mentioned that in told a local radio program Álvarez denied that the Regional Government
paid these products, but did not explain why they were stored on the premises of their movement
political and health centers managed by the Region, just returned to ensure public is
victim of political persecution by the APRA.

Noting these statements Escalante, a member of the Nationalist Party, said there is no persecution
APRA against the leader Count Me and lamented the regional president's arguments on leave.
also MP urged other lawmakers Ancash, especially the APRA
Wilder Calderón, who is always close to Alvarez, to join the investigations.

Diario de Chimbote
Sunday October 24, 2010 00:50


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