Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How To Make A Pistol Cake


On Monday October 11 in the city of Chimbote
decentralized During the session of the Committee on Production, Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives of Congress, developed on Monday October 11 in the city of Chimbote, is heard Siderperú guilds, artisanal and industrial fisheries, and the MSEs.
This was stated by its president Dacia Nena Escalante León, who noted that the leadership of the Union of Workers and Employees of Siderperú, reported that the blast furnace production in 2005 amounted to 800 tons per day and 288.000 MT / year, a figure greater than estimated by Proinversión the conclusion of the sale of shares by the Brazilian company Gerdau (264.386 MT).

also said that in the same year production of the two electric furnaces was 15,000 MT / month and 180.000 metric tons per year, with production in the two areas total of 468.000 MT per year.
While the labor force was 2.336 and 500 more contract workers in the form of Servis, also a number greater than covered by the contract (1.747 employees).
On the other hand, said the price of pellets in 2007 was $ 80 metric tonnes and $ 62 TM, today is $ 42 TM, and iron varies between $ 39 and $ 46 TM, which belies the argument Gerdau that furnace does not produce due to high raw material prices in the market. The blast furnace stopped in October for a full maintenance, which continues to date, which would set the breach of contract under clause 8.1. inc. b.

also reported that in June 2009 saw the dismissal of 360 workers, a fact reported to the Ministry of Labour. And the union proposed the refund of the fees were 9, 17 and 20% to protect the domestic steel industry.
Moreover, said the fishermen guilds of Samanco, Chimbote and Paita, denounced the practice of black fishing by the industrial fleet and the violation of the 5 nautical miles, which threaten the preservation of species for Direct Human Consumption (CHD) due to the lack of supervision and control by the Ministry of Production. Fishermen sue companies industry in the payment of fair wages per tonne caught, and the immediate payment of pensions to retired fishermen.

And in the cooperative sector, the unions requested approval by the plenary of the Congress of the opinion that proposed the creation of Chimbote Industrial Park as an alternative to the promotion of micro and small enterprises in the province of Santa. The session took place
in the auditorium of the University of Chimbote Los Angeles and attended by Congressmen Luis Negreiros and Helvezia Balta.

Lima, October 13, 2010.
In his plea
dissemination Press: 311-7586/988548660


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