Sunday, October 24, 2010

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Congress must respond by food friaje Project

Congressman Dacia Escalante asked Nena
* Legislator was in Huaraz investigating this issue, calling it outrageous
* Verify that product labels name and logo are the Regional Government of Ancash


The finding about 100 tons of products destined for the local friaje
Cuenta Conmigo
political movement and health centers in the province of Huari has attracted interest from
members of Congress of the Republic, so that Oversight Committee of the Chamber aims
include Ancash regional president on leave Avarez César Aguilar, to give his demonstration in a
research process to be held against him.

This was said Nena Escalante nationalist MP Leon, who is personally investigating this
fact, indicating that only the discharge of these products in the Palace of Justice in Huaraz took two days
due to the large number of items were seized by the anti-corruption prosecutor in this city José Czech

"Preserved are labeled with the name of the Regional Government of Ancash: friaje Program. The prosecutor
has told me that suppliers have stated that these products were purchased by the Region.
We are requesting documentation of the case, "he said adding that these resources were apparently
used in the election campaign to seek re-election of Cesar Alvarez. Escalante
Last year the Board authorized the Regional Government spending nine million
soles for the purchase of products for the benefit of victims of the cold wave that strikes the
Andean region of Ancash

"It's outrageous. So many people who were affected by cold and not have to eat and these products are already
decaying, "he added.

should be mentioned that in told a local radio program Álvarez denied that the Regional Government
paid these products, but did not explain why they were stored on the premises of their movement
political and health centers managed by the Region, just returned to ensure public is
victim of political persecution by the APRA.

Noting these statements Escalante, a member of the Nationalist Party, said there is no persecution
APRA against the leader Count Me and lamented the regional president's arguments on leave.
also MP urged other lawmakers Ancash, especially the APRA
Wilder Calderón, who is always close to Alvarez, to join the investigations.

Diario de Chimbote
Sunday October 24, 2010 00:50

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Volleyball Ribbon Purple


chairman of the Committee informed of production, Dacia Nena Escalante León.

El Pleno del Congreso aprobó por mayoría y en segunda votación el Dictamen Proyecto de Ley N° 3747/2009-CR, que formula precisiones a los artículos 3 y 66 de la Ley General de Cooperativas, informó la presidenta de la Comisión de Producción, Micro y Pequeña Empresa y Cooperativas, Dacia Nena Escalante León.

“La iniciativa viene a solucionar un problema actual de diversos tipos de cooperativas, a excepción de las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito, que enfrentan graves problemas tributarios por desconocimiento of philosophy and characteristics of cooperatives, more precisely by the cooperative, so that the Tax Court SUNAT and are ignoring and distorting the scope of those articles of the Law on Cooperatives, which Amended Text was approved by the DS 074 - 90-TR, "said Congressman Escalante.

noted that the standard specifies and defines the cooperative act as one that is performed internally between the cooperatives and their members in pursuance of its objects which are themselves acts of a mandate and have no representation profit.

He explained that this recognition of the cooperative act allows among others the IR inafectación by net income from operations that perform the work with our partners.

even stated that the ILO through Recommendation 193, concerning the policy framework and the role of governments to establish cooperatives indicates that measures to support cooperatives could include , among others, as far as possible tax advantages.

addition, the special commission to evaluate compliance of ILO Recommendation 193 recommended establishing a new General Law of Cooperatives, which must be technically and excenta of issues that confront with existing policies.

therefore considered that the proposal is in relation to government policies on administrative simplification, non-discriminatory treatment between companies facing fiscal exemptions and tax benefits.

Escalante said that the main benefits of the standard are: the thousands of families across our country cooperative, who for many years to come building this model as a way out of poverty, encourage partnership and dependability through cooperatives, etc.
Congressman Leon Escalante recent visit to Carhuayoc-Huari artisans
Finally, she stated that the adoption of the law has no significant impact that can generate tax purposes negative since cooperatives provide an IR of only 00.7 of the total collected by the Sunat in 2008, and how much aI 0.11 IGV bring the total raised by SUNAT in the same period.

Dr. Escalante visit Ceviche Contest in Casma
Lima, October 14, 2010

with the request of its distribution ; ;

Press: 311-7586/988548660

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How To Make A Pistol Cake


On Monday October 11 in the city of Chimbote
decentralized During the session of the Committee on Production, Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives of Congress, developed on Monday October 11 in the city of Chimbote, is heard Siderperú guilds, artisanal and industrial fisheries, and the MSEs.
This was stated by its president Dacia Nena Escalante León, who noted that the leadership of the Union of Workers and Employees of Siderperú, reported that the blast furnace production in 2005 amounted to 800 tons per day and 288.000 MT / year, a figure greater than estimated by Proinversión the conclusion of the sale of shares by the Brazilian company Gerdau (264.386 MT).

also said that in the same year production of the two electric furnaces was 15,000 MT / month and 180.000 metric tons per year, with production in the two areas total of 468.000 MT per year.
While the labor force was 2.336 and 500 more contract workers in the form of Servis, also a number greater than covered by the contract (1.747 employees).
On the other hand, said the price of pellets in 2007 was $ 80 metric tonnes and $ 62 TM, today is $ 42 TM, and iron varies between $ 39 and $ 46 TM, which belies the argument Gerdau that furnace does not produce due to high raw material prices in the market. The blast furnace stopped in October for a full maintenance, which continues to date, which would set the breach of contract under clause 8.1. inc. b.

also reported that in June 2009 saw the dismissal of 360 workers, a fact reported to the Ministry of Labour. And the union proposed the refund of the fees were 9, 17 and 20% to protect the domestic steel industry.
Moreover, said the fishermen guilds of Samanco, Chimbote and Paita, denounced the practice of black fishing by the industrial fleet and the violation of the 5 nautical miles, which threaten the preservation of species for Direct Human Consumption (CHD) due to the lack of supervision and control by the Ministry of Production. Fishermen sue companies industry in the payment of fair wages per tonne caught, and the immediate payment of pensions to retired fishermen.

And in the cooperative sector, the unions requested approval by the plenary of the Congress of the opinion that proposed the creation of Chimbote Industrial Park as an alternative to the promotion of micro and small enterprises in the province of Santa. The session took place
in the auditorium of the University of Chimbote Los Angeles and attended by Congressmen Luis Negreiros and Helvezia Balta.

Lima, October 13, 2010.
In his plea
dissemination Press: 311-7586/988548660

Friday, October 1, 2010

Siren Red Crapemyrtles



Thursday, September 30, 2010
Address: Enrique Palacios Jr. 548 (SIDERPERU Employees Union)

Society Actors Ancash Public Hearing spoke in Chimbote

The development of the Public Hearing Chinecas PROJECT: PRODUCTION POTENTIAL, AND IMPACT ON FOOD JOINT EMPLOYMENT, organized on 30 September by the Commission Production, Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives of Congress, who chairs the parliamentary Dacia Nena Escalante León, concluded that all actors of society in the Ancash region in favor of the execution of the work, but considering the construction of the Intake One.

MP said so chimbotana, after the conclusion of the event after five hours of presentations from different experts, government officials, representatives of agricultural associations and SMEs, in addition to the questions raised by farmers and citizens.

MP said so chimbotana, after the conclusion of the event after five hours of presentations from different experts, public officials representatives of agricultural associations and SMEs, in addition to the questions raised by farmers and citizens.

Also, Escalante said the amount collected in excess of 5 million dollars per company SISA in preparing the project profile Chinecas is overrated and redesign in relation to the original, presents some observations, which would prevent their viability by the MEF, in the proposed construction of canals into the reservoir Cascajal and two other intakes.

He said that the irrigation project, in addition to expanding the agricultural frontier, regional and national generate jobs and become a major food pantry in the future.

regard to water management by the Watershed Council, said it was clear that its conformation is at the request of the Regional Government of Ancash, and breach of various provisions that give farmers rights to tenants.
Escalante said Congresswoman require compliance with these rules and pledged In particular, the participation of social actors in the technical proposal made by the FAO on the feasibility of Chinecas.

Among the speakers were: Professor Oscar Esteves, the consultant for the College of Engineers of Peru, César Aguinaga, the specialist of the National Water Authority, Mr. Hector Vasquez Villalobos, the president of the Front of Agricultural Organizations in the Province of Santa (FOAPS), Mr. Hugo Arias Horna, the adviser to the possessor of Chinecas Coordinator, Dr. Fernando Andrade Moreno. The topics were: "Overview of the Special Project Chinecas", "Irrigation Projects, a small farming and relationship to Mypes", "Use of Water Resources in the Project Chinecas", "Project Intake Facility with Single Shared," " Certification of possessor of Chinecas "respectively

While panelists a representative of the Rector of Catholic University of Chimbote Los Angeles, Dr. Julio Dominguez Granda, the representative NGO Natura, Mg. Maria Elena Foronda Farro, the , President of CONVEAGRO Luis Linares Málaga, and the representative of the Trades Mypes Santa