Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Wrestling Coaches Gift

Member or "quince"

miserable shooting is shameful that the most important thing for some of the media submitted by the Minister for Equality, has been the phrase "members and" it seems that measures projected are of less value to these individuals.
I confess before continuing, that long, all writing that was done in the school where I work, boy and girl would repeat for each sentence that is referenced to the children. I confess also, that is why I "Jodie" enormously, because I was responsible for passing the computerized text came to be a bit cloying. That said, we also admit the necessity of their use and accept in those first moments the duplicity of words, as a staff exercise "regenaracion" because of the education received by male dominant society since childhood.
Despite this, the word "member" does not sound good, but There are thousands of words that sound good and have assimilated: it is a matter of repeating a few times.
What is already more annoying are the manifestations of the academic Salvador, where he says he "That only can happen to a person without knowledge of grammar, language and all. Furthermore, in Spain we can not decide on a language spoken in many countries " . Apparently, what the dictionary update indicated in the pages of the SAR , this man is unknown. Perhaps also unknown
the meanings of the word member, which makes the Royal Academy to which he belongs. We will adhere to the seventh acceptation:

7. com. Individual which is part of a whole community or moral body. ~ Rotten.

now travel to the pursuit of what individual or individuals in the SAR:
individual, dua.
(Del lat. Individŭus).
1. adj. individual.
2. adj. That can not be divided.
3. m. and f. coloq. Person whose name and condition are ignored or not mean.
4. m. Every organized being, whether animal or plant for the species to which it belongs.
5. m. Person belonging to a class or corporation. Individual State Council of the English Academy.
6. m. coloq. Person, quite apart from the others. Thomas takes good care of your guy.
7. f. derogatory. Women negligible.

individual is a despicable woman, but it is not individual. Pussy, pussy, pussy. Or should I say, joke, joke, joke. Certainly sir

academic, according to the SAR Buscon the word individual is different individual word , which makes me think that you are worse than they supposed.

Mercedes de la Merced, is set more on the proposals of the Minister, as the phone for batterers. Unfortunately, the proposal does not understand , because he thinks the phone is a hot line for relief of the perpetrator during or immediately after an abuse. Maybe you should read carefully the proposal, before saying stupid things.


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