Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Lower Abdomen When Urinating

Academics and Academic

I have fed in the male and female, after some controversy, on the words of the minister Aido. I already said yesterday that out of habit, sounded strange some feminized, but not add to me mocking criticism or even serious unfortunately, that happened these days.
As one of the things unknown but who knows, you have to start looking at the documentation to find out which is the thing, so, yesterday put me in the form of the Royal Academy of English Language and not only found the definitions exposed yesterday, but I got curious and I discovered that the academics should have more knowledge of grammar and other guises such as the academic citing yesterday and almost placed the Minister in the face of the board to write 1000 times "I will not say a member" , but my limited intelligence, are more Catholic than the pope and will amend the flat at the Genesis of the Bible, not the rock band musical.
Turns out, the first meaning member gives SAR, is to: 1. m. Each of the limbs of man or animals articulated with the trunk.
I wondered if women did not have legs like humans and animals. However, the SAR is the same in his buscon gives me the answer by providing the meaning first man as 1. m. Rational living being, male or female.
That donkey I was!, I thought to myself. Since I have not fallen, when everybody talks man, he is refirirendo distinction to a male or female. So I went out to the street and the first woman I met asked him, when I could say good man. The slap did not really felt, because his eyes a few seconds before he began to devote, I anesthetized.
I thought that maybe my mistake was to have used the adjective good instead of good, but of course it sounded like buenahombre call rare.
returned home to meditate and in full reverie, return to Paraiso before tits, of course.

Genesis 2:7 And Jehovah God formed man of dust from the
ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and was the man
a living being.

And I ask: Hell, if God created man playing with the clay in those days, you did after you removed the rib of man.

Genesis 2:21 And Jehovah God caused deep sleep to fall upon Adam,
and while he slept took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh

Genesis 2:22 And the rib which the LORD God took the man, made a
woman and brought her to the man.

Do wrong to write the Genesis and ought to have written that God created man male in his image and likeness and I think after the rib a man woman?. No, in the next installment of Genesis, given the pattern Adancillo the SAR:

Genesis 2:23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh
, this will be called Woman, because
male was taken.

Note, as at that time, God gives all the details of the operation to Adam in order to avoid legal problems later. It is obvious that if God explained to him and Genesis 2:22 and called the woman, to milk the renamed?. I for me, when God created Adam not blow your nose throws with dust of the earth, but when Adam brought to life, snorted through the nose any other dust that made him Varona said his partner call. Unless, that he actually called Evarona and trusts that gives the friction, end calls by the abbreviation.
No comment entered the following articles, it would seem that the sniffer was I, because they see:

Genesis 2:24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and be united to his wife
, and shall be one flesh.

Let's see, if you are the first in a series and it created a powder (ground) and the other from a first rib, at what father and mother are going to leave?. Would not that which wrote the Genesis also sniffed something in the dust?.

Well, all this The SAR should rectify and called the man as
1. m. Rational living being, male or female. animated Although everybody will depend on the dust to be sucking in its path.

By the way, to document, logically use Google as always, deserved Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities 2008 . Thank you for your contribution and that of all the search engines that have fallen by the wayside.


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