Saturday, June 14, 2008

Creative Wording For Vegetarian Option

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Imagine the President of Mexico to visit these days in Spain, visiting the Congress of Deputies. Imagine that in his lapel, sported a coat of the flag of Mexico. Imagine, Jose Bono, reprimanded, because the rules of the House of representatives of the people, do not allow the exhibition of any flag. Imagine that most remarkable stupidity.
Because it is clear that when Bono legality about not calling attention to the honorees that Congress received by the exhibition of a flag of the English Republic, which was legal in that building until a coup trampled and hid for several decades , not to by the illegality of the same, that is not , but by the rules of Congress, not to allow the exhibition of a flag or banner in your building.
I say, that if this rule is so strict, it should be reformed, because the flag of a stage in our legal history, should never have been forbidden to enter the house of the English as well.
I say, that the republic live in a building that housed the representatives of the same, while stand until it was destroyed ilegalmante by a gang of rebels, are not out of place, much less when those who give live, are those who fought to defend the constitutional order of the republic and are received and honored for it by the Congress of Deputies.
I say, that the act of Congress, was not an act of work of the courts, but an act of homage and recognition to some people for defending the institutions of our country and for having been repressed by this defense, by the coup leaders who ruled this country for many years.
would agree that these rules were applied during the sessions of the legislature, when their lordships were working, but not when it opens its doors to visitors and even fewer when they are invited to pay tribute to them and them, yielding a tribute to the Republic that defended and for which they gave their lives and suffering and the flag that represented.
have to live up to Mr. Bono. You can do it, and apologize honor you ... in addition to provide two appearances on the news. Sorry


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