Sunday, October 18, 2009

How Dangerous To Have Nurofen Caught In Throat

Manifestations Manifestations

This latest demonstration against abortion, not counted among its ranks with the Catholic hierarchy, although in previous weeks, cheered and warmed up the steps of the faithful for the event.
However, more than a hint prelate to the means (of communication, of course), to express their positions. Such is the case d the bishop of Huesca-Jaca, which was started with several niceties : "abortion is" infanticide suicidal "because the murder of the child carries the mother's suicide" . We
The Catholic Church, whose bedside reading the Bible, you should reread the episode the killing of the Innocents conducted by Herod the Great, because God could have prevented it and yet did not nothing, yet they seek the withdrawal to Egypt to the Holy Family for Jesus did not die. So, as other children (They were fetuses) are left to die and saves his son. Do mothers suicidiarian?.

Jesus Sanz says: the future law is "unfair" and allow "irresponsible macho" man. The bishop of Huesca and Jaca refers to women who seek help from the Church "in secret" and criticizes "armchair politicians", after proclaiming that "we have to save that child saving the woman and save saving the mother's son of her womb ".
They are talking about male machismo in an institution that only relegates women to pray and serve.

According to the organizers, the new law will deprive women of their right to motherhood "," will do nothing to prevent abortions and quantitatively grow huge failure is always an induced abortion. "
They are so dull, they are unable to read the Bill Organic Sexual and Reproductive Health, Abortion Law misnamed. I extract a part of preambaulo, which suggests the development of the Law:

The law is structured in a preliminary, two titles, an additional provision, a provision repealing and five different finishes.

Preliminary Title sets the definitions, the guiding principles of law and proclaims the rights it guarantees.

The First Section, under the heading "From sexual and reproductive health, is divided into four chapters. In Chapter I sets out the objectives of public policies on sexual and reproductive health. Chapter II contains the measures in health and Chapter III deals with those relating to education. Chapter IV is aimed at predicting the development of the National Strategy for Sexual and Reproductive Health as a tool for collaboration among public administrations for the proper development of public policies in this area.

In the Second Section regulates the conditions of abortion and guarantees access to the service.

The only additional provision mandates that the High Inspectorate check the enforcement of the rights and benefits provided in this Act

is, most of the legal text, is devoted to sexual health, information and sex education, only the second part is devoted to the conditions and guarantees for the voluntary interruption of pregnancy.

From here, we can all demagoguery and manipulation. They do it, I've done and everyone can do it, but this shall not prevent pregnancy or the problems of young women who look at the need for abortion. Abortion do not think anyone pleasure, so as no one is forced to abort.

I Have A Red Spot On My Arm

demagogic demagogic and 2 1

No, I do not mean that the demonstration yesterday was demagogic anti-abortion (that too), but the demonstrations that some people have made during these days (and still do). Not to be outdone, demagogiquemos also from here.

The sponsor of the exhibition from the Family Forum, Benigno Blanco, makes clear his intention, which is simply to abolish the law of abortion , that is, that Spain can not perform any abortion. The excuse this time, has been the changes which the government wants to make and that have been endorsed - in some cases with nuances, "by the State Council and Bioethics Committee.

not entiende la presencia en la manifestacion de Aznar y otros dirigentes que tuvieron en sus manos durante ocho años la posibilidad de eliminar el aborto y no lo hicieron. Dice Aznar que la reforma crea division en España, pero mas division creo su postura y acciones sobre Iraq y le importo un pepino.

Seguiremos demagogicando....

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Watch Southpark On Hulu

Rita Rita, the stain is not removed

Es la primera vez que escribo sobre el tema Gurtel y espero poder acabar sin tener que ir al baño a vomitar.
Empieza la semana con el sainete en varios actos de dimision o no de Costa en el PP valenciano y el abandono o no del puesto de portavoz pepero en las Cortes valencianas. todo ello, con un beso judaico de su tambien amiguito del alma y a la sazon jefe por ambos cargos Francisco Camps. The show provided to the citizenry, would make a script Berlanga ridiculous, but perhaps soon, follow the lead of some of his latest movie .

I will not dwell on the subject, but do not want to overlook, the irony with which the mayor of Valencia theme focused, almost happy about what happened, to cover informationally interview Obama and Zapatero.
to see if everything has been fabricated for Zapatero squashing the picture.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Brazilian Wax Painful When Hair Grows Back In

chorizo \u200b\u200bEmotions with Murcia at the bottom of the spirit

This long weekend I returned to my homeland. Many personal satisfaction, which might (well, sure), are indifferent to those who read this comment. Just because
to spot the sign for access to Murcia, I change the mood, but this joy is a bit cloudy, contemplating the endless caravan with which we have just entered. The pilgrimage is the ultimate goal and stroking contemplation of the "Swedish curves, but in this case, the goal is not the beaches of Murcia and the Nordic blondes, but the hundreds of objects that populate the shelves of IKEA. I sinner, also I checked the next day.

The first excitement of the trip was a reunion with friends who lived in Madrid, which form part of my family. All we are less young and our war cries to life are changing, this might be our approach distance, but the love is much stronger and I'm sure always will. Special mention for the youngest in the series, whose demonstration of affection moved me. Keep well and do not forget us.

The second emotion, is to prove the recovery of my brother's heart trembled us this summer. The process is slow, but eventually all will be memories and healthy life, one has already been there.

One of the reasons for the trip was the wedding of our "adopted daughter" in Valencia and Madrid stage of my partner and myself. It is clear that we get older ... but we are more fortunate to contemplate the "Password Leticia" as would say typical. Congratulations.

The most palpable demonstration that we get older, is that they are the nephews, who invite us to their homes. And flying alone (with partners), but we make a hole in their nest to share their happiness with us. This, along with the rest of the family. And on top, it smelled of jasmine and valet.
Ay!, My Murcia!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Simple Diagram Of A Boat

International Training

For those who can not even gray hair, we sound a part of the title today. During many years of dictatorship in our country, we had to "get ahead" Training Course of the national spirit, which generally given Falangists, we "train" in the benefits of the regime "nopolitico" through a literary fables.
was accompanied to this and other subjects, the gaze of Franco and the Pope of the day, hanging on the wall ... in a box, of course.

We have taken months ago, a long march, in which those responsible for education in the Valencian Community, wanted to teach the subject of Education for Citizenship in English language. This would not have been any educational problem, if such students would have mastered the language of Shakespeare, with sufficient quality to understand and not only to translate individual sentences. It would have been the same as teaching a respectable member of the Chinese community who run shops and restaurants, the same subject in English, given that only know a few (and basic) words to defend themselves in the business and with smiles that supply the unknown. Go ahead my respect for all and especially my admiration.

Not only should students learn this subject, but to bring a second adult literacy campaign (I was the first) to see if we learn to live the ordinary people and give them a lesson to most of the political class . Much has been written about the reasons for teaching in English of these Morman of coexistence. Personally, I wrote that was due to the objection of Councillor and president of Valencia, the values \u200b\u200bof the same and that its teaching in English, were able to boycott the subject. Nothing

further from reality. The declassified papers Gurtell case, have been throwing this idea by land and Camps put on the pedestal having been placed where it should from the beginning. His intention was to place students at the forefront internationally Valencia and diligently seeking this photo with Obama , perhaps to put chair all the classrooms of the community, in a second reissue of those wonderful years of my adolescence, that if with a view beyond the Pyrenees and the Atlantic. Reshaping the international spirit.


PD .- I apologize to Mr. Obama, who deserves me all respect. Sorry for not writing in English, but it's hard for me not eat the ends of words. A nice Besic.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Where To Buy Number Candles In Singapore

Sleep, sleep, bold

Black never Do not die!. The voice from a box at the Teatro Alcala de Madrid, went to the singer on stage with his voice filled every heart of those who attended the concert that night. Mercedes Sosa, a smile directed towards where it came from that desire shared by all participants and commented: "I do not pay much attention. I follow you everywhere ",... and singing followed.
I could never forget those words and I could never forget that performance. Today, we remember, yet it gives me goosebumps. Mercedes's voice is something more than a singer. Say The singers sing with the diaphragm, but this is just something technical. The truth is that in the case of Mercedes came out of the heart and even soul.
If I say goes, because even a few hours ago I met her death, still ringing in my mind the words of one fan and I'm sure will live forever. La Negra will never die ... is only asleep. A kiss where you are.