Thursday, May 15, 2008

Heartburn, Yellow Tongue

Everyone Telma

A judge is a public figure? "A prosecutor is a public figure? Do family and friends of the directors of the TV channels are public figures?. List could go on and we could still answer yeas and nays on each of them.
The fact is that a judge ("public person?), Has been sentenced, following the argument of a prosecutor (public person"?), Which the sister of Princess Letizia, is a character public and should therefore the gauntlet of the "press? , encouraged by television channels run by public figures "? , and if something offends and violates the laws, which again to court and report what has already happened, according to judge and prosecutor, is not worth to stop him in advance for these "journalists?, not to pursue his private life.
It's funny that the Data Protection Agency, do not allow the diffusion and harassment on the data of people and yet these people can be brought up on television, publicly provided, the address where they live, the supermarket where they shop and even the brand of panties they buy. Does that not data protected?. Clearly, you can sue in court, but when he is released the image, the canard and intimacies of each other.
is possible, that should be the information professionals who are self, but as behind all this there is a market with much money involved, it will be difficult to do. Unfortunately, there is an audience eager to stick their noses in every home, perhaps for complacency with the misfortunes of others, as a means to cover their own shame. At the same time, there are a shameless entrepreneurs that market does not care about everything.
I think it's necessary to clear legislation to defend the privacy of individuals, whether public or anonymous characters. Internet and cell phones, can multiply the effect described above and not by "journalists?, But by any particular and also anonymously. The dissemination of the images will be inevitable, but the harassment will not be the same.
Anyway, regarding Telma, I would suggest to open a website, to hang all the pictures, which anonymously, caring citizens to send him, snapshots of the owners of the chains, family and friends in any corner of the globe and in all circumstances. Perhaps, you'd think these merchants of shamelessness, which continue on this journey, as you begin to take the same medicine.


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