Saturday, May 31, 2008

What To Do With Confiscated Ids In Wisconsin

unequal we all

few days ago, a woman complained that according to the rules of the International Rowing Federation, he was not allowed her to wife, govern a drifter male. Immediately, various institutions and bodies, screamed to the sky to require that such rules are invalidated and will not discriminate on the basis of sex. Imagine
any English company, was not allowed access to any charge to a woman because the tradition they have been marking time ago and not only that, but to dismiss women and naming her manager. Surely in implementationof the Equality Act, would be obliged to reimburse appointed and appointer and condemn the perpetrators of discrimination.
Something like that has happened to the refund with retroactive character of the noble title of Countess of Humanes , a woman, previously discriminated against even by the Constitution.
As seen in Spain do not allow the discrimination of women in any sphere, in pursuance of the Equality Act, which pleased me greatly.
Now what would happen if a woman was ordained a priest and Vatican apply it announced last week by the cave guardians of the faith, reasoning that without clear (or thicker), provides for orderly and excommunication payer? . Is bring before the Supreme Church Catholic? .

This seen that the world is changing, but I do not think that everywhere in the right direction, because otherwise I do not understand that a French court annulled a Muslim marriage because she was not virgin when appropriate. I know the entire statement, but I doubt the judge ordered the retroactive analysis of whistle the husband, to see if this had come virgin marriage. Paradoxically, this is from, in a country that leads in the top of your banner: Free, just like , Fraternite. In Spain seeks lyrics for the anthem, but in France will having to search the motto for heritage.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Dispose Greasy Cooking Water Sink

Among Spanish

Minister of Culture, which I dislike every day a little more, by his air of superiority and their evil ways , released the other day, with the following statements: "... the Chiquilicuatre not represents Spain ". He adds that he saw the show, but does not taste so counted.
Personally, I do not like neither the song nor the interpreter, but forgets the minister, Roberto Chiquilicuatre, did not represent Spain, but English Television in a Festival of European televison. We agree that the image of Spain could be something more than a torero, but do not think that is to be offended.
other hand I am pleased to waste time on these distinctions, while in it, does not engage boycott those who are against the digital canon.
In the end I bitch.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Seating Chart Wedding Samples

listening to Santi Santamaria, entered one scares me so, I called the Bulli and I have canceled all reservations I had for the weekends throughout the summer. Sorry for my guests, but look for a substitute to meet weekly.
Well, joking now, what happened to this man? "Envy?," Jealousy?. Be clear on my part, I've never delighted with the dishes Santamaria, nor any other of the "bajosospecha." Nor do I believe that I never delight.
However, raising suspicions that the products used are harmful, not complain to the authorities, this is irresponsible, but it seems that a fight trash program, of which as normally scheduled.
It appears that the darts were directed toward a specific cooks, but talking about chemical and harmful products in the kitchen, spiced with multinationals through, pillories all restaurants in the country, because customers think that more than one Product preservative, flavoring or any other "before" employed: fear is free. If you really
is aware of what he says, should have made the relevant complaints, providing evidence and not making a crude imitation of Gila, "someone has killed someone", as cook.
Thankfully, that we can not afford a luxury "Bustling" we delight in the Chinese quarter and then finish off with a couple of pills Almax. Each one is fed as it can.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pictionary Baby Phrases

flashes a dry Martini

this time on my words (well, perhaps above all the time), the fair to present the link El Pais, which offers the words of Cardinal Martini. I recommend them because they have no waste. That great Pope we missed.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Liscence When Mucinex D

Immigration Problems?

A report a few days ago, reflected that the percentage of Third World immigrants, who left their countries and came to our environment, it was little more than 1 percent, leaving the rest in neighboring countries.
Given that most countries in Africa, suffer a situation of extreme poverty, the choice of migrating to the neighboring country is not a definitive solution.
If we add the problem of food shortages and rising prices for the same, one can understand (not accept), the violence last week in South Africa, as a result of the crisis begins to affect those countries .
If the negative situation continues to rise, invasions ahead, leave the current problem of immigration in Europe, in an anecdote. It might be that the turning is needed, so that our governments get to work, to expose those who cause these situations of shortages and rising crime rates and once and for all, engage in work in the country of origin so that everyone can live with dignity in their homeland.

Bikes For Sale In Tortola

"Friends forever? Benito

- Fui.mos against gay weddings. It did not matter: I was not homosexual.
- Fui.mos against the statutes of autonomy. It did not matter: I live in the capital.
- Fui.mos against historical memory. It did not matter: I had no one in the gutter.
- Fui.mos against the search for a peace agreement. Did the same thing ....
- Fui.mos against education for citizenship: It did not matter, I am an educated citizen and the English not I'm good.

- Now I have down the street and coming for me. How hard it is to keep the clothes and keep intact the entire name.
Mar & year

Monday, May 19, 2008

Horrible Viral Throat Infection


say the leopard on the mountain and see where, the Italian government has gone to Naples, coinciding with the majestic exaltation of garbage , which has long drawn on the city thanks to the long arm of the Mafia, Italian native criminals, which successive governments fail to eradicate.
is easier to eliminate the weaker , so hunting immigrant is one of the most pressing issues of this government endorsed at the polls for the Italians, who already had some idea about the stuff that was made this ruling class.
was shocked that some English ministers to comment on the matter. is appealing to are the internal affairs of a country democratic and sovereign. As democratic and sovereign as Germany at the time and all governments not wanting to believe what was alleged. Do we keep silent and look the other way?.
The countries have their borders and their governments. Respect for their autonomy, just as governments are not respectful of human rights. This is an example.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Heartburn, Yellow Tongue

Everyone Telma

A judge is a public figure? "A prosecutor is a public figure? Do family and friends of the directors of the TV channels are public figures?. List could go on and we could still answer yeas and nays on each of them.
The fact is that a judge ("public person?), Has been sentenced, following the argument of a prosecutor (public person"?), Which the sister of Princess Letizia, is a character public and should therefore the gauntlet of the "press? , encouraged by television channels run by public figures "? , and if something offends and violates the laws, which again to court and report what has already happened, according to judge and prosecutor, is not worth to stop him in advance for these "journalists?, not to pursue his private life.
It's funny that the Data Protection Agency, do not allow the diffusion and harassment on the data of people and yet these people can be brought up on television, publicly provided, the address where they live, the supermarket where they shop and even the brand of panties they buy. Does that not data protected?. Clearly, you can sue in court, but when he is released the image, the canard and intimacies of each other.
is possible, that should be the information professionals who are self, but as behind all this there is a market with much money involved, it will be difficult to do. Unfortunately, there is an audience eager to stick their noses in every home, perhaps for complacency with the misfortunes of others, as a means to cover their own shame. At the same time, there are a shameless entrepreneurs that market does not care about everything.
I think it's necessary to clear legislation to defend the privacy of individuals, whether public or anonymous characters. Internet and cell phones, can multiply the effect described above and not by "journalists?, But by any particular and also anonymously. The dissemination of the images will be inevitable, but the harassment will not be the same.
Anyway, regarding Telma, I would suggest to open a website, to hang all the pictures, which anonymously, caring citizens to send him, snapshots of the owners of the chains, family and friends in any corner of the globe and in all circumstances. Perhaps, you'd think these merchants of shamelessness, which continue on this journey, as you begin to take the same medicine.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Titleist Ap2 Knockoff

Finger and the Moon

is not the first time that the wise saying the moon, fools are fixed on the finger . It is not the first time in travel and events of the Vice President, fools are set in the photos "uncomfortable" , of \u200b\u200bwhich one is free of appearance, instead of observing the main reason Vice stay.
will not go ranting against polygamy, nor praise. It is something of the culture of some countries / religions and regardless of what I think, must be accepted in principle, logically, we must fight to defend the dignity of people and not be treated as merchandise that can be buy, in this, women have always borne the brunt.
I it's motivation for criticizing the photo with the polygamous Nigerian businessman, who in Spain polygamy is forbidden, because by that token, would have to take action against the sheiks and emirs who invade plants in hotels visits to Marbella, followed by his court of wives. Should also be done to stop photos with dignitaries as not precluding the death penalty in their countries (banned in Spain) and especially against those who have in their hands the possibility to switch saving lives, they do not, we could put many pictures of these, in their farms talking Texan and the Azores not be embarrassed in the least. Diverting the silly

shift attention to the finger, she forgets that a English businessman, makes it possible for Nigerians to live in their land without having to risk their lives in boats and away and sometimes suffer the scorn of native here. wages may be laughable, comparable with ours, but they are a decent starting point for living in their countries and their lands. It is possible that in the international market price, compete on better terms than those of our country, but nobody protested when our industries were installed to take advantage of lower wages in other countries to pay greater appreciation.

And that little has been said the main reason for the trip Minister of Nigeria, which was that of Third Meeting of the Network of Women for a Better World , De La Vega co-presided. That is not as important as seen for the fool. The penalty is that eventually all of the stupid is contagious.

Monday, May 12, 2008

How Do U Do It Hematocrit By Capillary

Coslada The gay guys

It might be because of deafness distorting, but upon hearing the news first time in a reasonable distance away, at times I thought I was returning to revive, as a grandfather Porreta risen, the happy moments of contemplation youth graphic arts on the walls of my dear Murcia. Vedettes impressive, filling the entire wall next to a poster announcing the Teatro Romea , with lyrics that impressive, just the Imprenta de Jorge Valls could capture on paper, announcing the names of the GranSuperVedette, the supervedette and all the string of Vedettes, culminating with the / dance bodies of Colsa Girls , ...¡¡¡ and bodies!.
All this happened in a second on my mind, mistake the radio blared news of a uniformed sausages Coslada, the queens of the English Magazine years ago. Needless to say, the distance between them and other characters. I could never attend the representation of those journals, by reason of age, but if you admire the beauty of these women. So is my belated but heartfelt tribute.

As for the local Sopranos Coslada, it appears that something is wrong in this country, when so they can stop some unscrupulous feet of the likes to be known, is necessary so long. It is chilling to hear Captain civil guard who was hired by the mayor for 9 years to monitor the Godfather Gines, when decision-makers to take action on the matter, go for action, in response to allegations of that research.
If the alert is necessary for habitual offenders, many more should be, when they are the ones who should ensure the safety of citizens. Now, these individuals are brought to justice, but this should continue with an investigation of any negligence committed by politicians, judges, police civilian ygentes that have allowed these years of mob rule. And who has to pay, pay!.
If embarrassing the whole story, much more to behold the face of police chief arrested a subject by two policemen, smiling cheerfully, perhaps re.conocido to be as happy Coslada boy.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Chase Sapphire Commercial Sailboat

few days ago, in a strange ceremony, few hundred people gathered to ask for water . His song had nothing to do with the old classics sung prayers, while the parish priest, the bishop or archbishop, led the procession entourage that toured the population. The songs of today are not new, because we have heard from just over four years, in a more or less coral.
Before the pleas were doing was praising the patron saints or virgins of the place, now the forms have changed and the recipient of petitions, is criticized, scorned and all "Cies" disparaging possible while pleas have been changed for requirements, accompanied by threatening actions before the courts.
The fact is, without knowing the reasons, it started to rain in Catalonia, Valencia, Murcia and much of Andalucia, ... but really raining. I doubt that the good "vibes" Zapatero with the Papal Nuncio , across borders terrestrial and "above" has sent this gift. No wonder that the church authorities are upset.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Are Barska Scopes Any Good

The Rogation

Suppose for a moment that Myanmar, formerly Burma, was around an island. No, if all the willingness of European states to help Degracia, culminate with the placement in our countries of Burma desperate, struggling for survival even more than for freedom.
Suppose that we were closely surrounded by countries with dictatorships and risk their lives, the people fled and took refuge underground in our free countries.
I am sure that more of a "dignitary" European foray to take the photo for the "invaders" while rant against dictatorships and would provide food and clothing to forced migrants, while depositing a kiss on the cheek of a child. It's the media image, adds many points and can not be missed.
I say, that it was due to endeavor to welcome those fleeing the dictatorship of hunger and the devastating effect of the same, in many countries in Africa and other continents.
me ashamed of belonging to a European , close your eyes to the permanent catastrophes and turns in the most immediate media attention which are the most profitable. I agree that there are mafias that control the draw and bring the desperate immigrants to our shores, but we also have the obligation, most privileged human beings, to treat them with respect as human beings and so are not criminals.
I have always maintained that we must enable the work and the survival of these citizens in their own countries, no one leaves his homeland, if not vital necessity. But in the meantime this utopia is achieved, we will share our plate: They would.