Friday, April 15, 2011

Can We Change Laptop Internal Fan?


body vice-president government of the judges, Fernando de Rosa, said that request its postponement until resolved the serious problems identified in Burgos.

The General Council of Judicial Power (CGPJ) asked the Ministry of Justice to halt the implementation of the new Judicial Office until after the determination of "serious problems" identified in Burgos, briefed the vice president of the governing body of judges, Fernando Rosa.

De Rosa has told reporters that after extensive monitoring of the functioning of the judicial office, which introduced a pioneer in all aspects of the judicial courts of Burgos, "The implementation is not happening as expected by the council."
has even warned that "if not addressed performance issues in the courts that is causing , what at first supported the Council as a good upgrade could be in danger. "

When they have spent more than five months the commissioning of this operating model, which involves changing the entire structure to support the judges in their efforts to prosecute and enforce court has a "serious structural defect" in the computer system malfunction , the "Minerva NOJ.
He assured that this failure in a system which he described as "an essential pillar "to the model of the new judicial office have been seen in Burgos, but also in other places where it has partially implemented this system, such as Murcia, Cáceres and Ciudad Real.

De Rosa has announced that in addition to convey to the Ministry of Justice deficiencies have highlighted the legal practitioners in Burgos, the CGPJ asked to halt the spread of judicial office to other judicial districts until they are solved "these serious problems."

It called for more training and to study the redistribution, "if before the organs of justice in Burgos worked properly, now with the same people have a poorer performance, and estimated that" if you need some reinforcement personnel for the commissioning not be afraid to do this. " EFE reported

CGPJ Faced with the threat of trying to stop the implementation in pilot cities, after a visit to Burgos and check on the spot, serious deficiencies new model, the Ministry issued the following press release. see note.


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