Saturday, December 18, 2010

How Much May Cost Inginual

without corruption ..! WINS PERU! SBS

Ollanta Humala: "I am committed to clean government, free to Peru from the scourge of corruption ... Not allow them to steal, or traffic of interest, which goods are traded and heritage of the people "

presidential candidate Ollanta Humala is common ground" Gana Peru. " Legislator and attorney Marisol Espinoza Piura Omar Chehade up the plate. Unions and progressive forces in parliamentary list.

For the second time the leader of the Nationalist Party, Ollanta Humala Tasso, launched his candidacy for President of the Republic, but this time with their candidates for vice, and offered a free government of corruption and ensure that the benefits of economic growth reach the poorest sectors.
Humala, along with his party congresswoman Marisol Espinoza and former anti-corruption prosecutor Omar Chehade, thanked the labor unions, social movements and left-wing support for his candidacy to represent of the confluence "Gana Peru."
front of hundreds of supporters who cheered him as "honest and brave," the candidate outlined the main points of the eventual administration, where, he pointed out corruption will not occur.
campaign offers
offered as part of an ethical commitment that his government anyone spoil in Peru, and live at their expense ... The defeat of corruption will save the state huge resources to be applied to development and progress. "
also offered strengthen democracy and appreciated the oversight role of the free press. "I'ma Democrat," he said. He referred to the Nobel
Mario Vargas Llosa, who said this week maturity. "I've grown my dream of fighting poverty and inequality ... Economic growth must be translated and in better living conditions. "
Other proposals referred to the decentralization, health and education. Offered to create a Universal Health Insurance and "a quality public education" similar to private education.
They will be complemented-forward, a child nutrition program with breakfast and lunch, water, sewer and light in schools.
retired commander also offered to defend a living wage, according to the basic family and job stability and defend the rights broken CAS systems and services.
solidarity also a pension for the elderly.
Finally, firmly said he will fight for peace. "There will be no place for drug traffickers and terrorists in Peru, will be fought relentlessly."
"No policy of silver comes alone"
Marisol Espinoza, a legislator from Piura, said his presence at the first vice due to the inclusion promoted by nationalism. "We are committed to honesty and loyalty, who did not succumb to the crumbs of power," he said. Economist and journalist, Espinoza was the only female parliament speaker in this period.
Chehade, the second vice presidential candidate, was hard on the corruption issue. "From today's culture over the money comes only in Peru," he said, referring to the controversial phrase attributed to President Garcia and Jaime Bayly.
As head of the Extradition Unit of the Attorney until 2008 brought Alberto Fujimori extradited. Offered to merge ministries and partnership with the means to combat corruption.
By Marco Sanchez.


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