Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Silly Wedding Invitation Wording

Francisco Velasco Alvarez gives us this wonderful collection of poems which leave a sample for us to enjoy his poetry elegant, calm and careful. Poets like him are rare in the current scenario, which combine the mastery of technique and the right word and the elegance of the verse cherished and intimate.
A treat for the reader of poetry

Putting a name to whom you had not seen but I

comes in dreams with all your tiredness

and looks like you.

Give a face, eyes,

hearing, taste, smell, skin

a whole body, in short,

and put his hand over his shoulder. Give

water and bread and teach

way to start life again.

With it the feel of the stone

as a warm hand

is calling you and wait patiently

to grow it

moss or a blade of grass.

Close your eyes and snow Apun


Or open her eyes and lead

the sun with a mirror

the high belfry,

by wells deep.

Smell the sun, straw, mud, water in the bricks

hot summer. Biting the sweet


Play how to sharpen your father

the planer blade

springs light now in the chips. Smell

wheats that segaste,

teeth tighten the rope

bags and hear the water mill in the loaf


Smell the hand of your mother

out of the trough.


how diluted the night nests and begin

and birds.

is a poem by Francisco Alvarez Velasco, in his book Memory of the shadow, Cáceres, Cultural Institution "The Brocense" AbeZetario, 2010.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Parabolic Reflector Equations


which has burned burns

The path of my thoughts I emptied

devouring space flight times

fugitive living

that is burning away the ashes that burned

but where the flight
if I run away from myself to myself footprint

Monday, December 20, 2010

Conjunctivitis In Kittens

Dr. Escalante received the Medal of Integration Cooperative for its contribution to the sector.

The parliament participated in the closing of the Third Forum "Day of Cooperatives" held in the
Congress of the Republic, which placed special emphasis on the work of the Commission in the preparation of the new General Law cooperatives to create a favorable legal framework for the consolidation, development and expansion of the cooperative movement in Peru.
In gratitude, the National Confederation of Peru (CONFENACOOP), represented by its president, Eutemio Alarcón Ríos, imposed on the Congressman's Medal Escalante
Cooperative for its contribution to the sector.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

How Much May Cost Inginual

without corruption ..! WINS PERU! SBS

Ollanta Humala: "I am committed to clean government, free to Peru from the scourge of corruption ... Not allow them to steal, or traffic of interest, which goods are traded and heritage of the people "

presidential candidate Ollanta Humala is common ground" Gana Peru. " Legislator and attorney Marisol Espinoza Piura Omar Chehade up the plate. Unions and progressive forces in parliamentary list.

For the second time the leader of the Nationalist Party, Ollanta Humala Tasso, launched his candidacy for President of the Republic, but this time with their candidates for vice, and offered a free government of corruption and ensure that the benefits of economic growth reach the poorest sectors.
Humala, along with his party congresswoman Marisol Espinoza and former anti-corruption prosecutor Omar Chehade, thanked the labor unions, social movements and left-wing support for his candidacy to represent of the confluence "Gana Peru."
front of hundreds of supporters who cheered him as "honest and brave," the candidate outlined the main points of the eventual administration, where, he pointed out corruption will not occur.
campaign offers
offered as part of an ethical commitment that his government anyone spoil in Peru, and live at their expense ... The defeat of corruption will save the state huge resources to be applied to development and progress. "
also offered strengthen democracy and appreciated the oversight role of the free press. "I'ma Democrat," he said. He referred to the Nobel
Mario Vargas Llosa, who said this week maturity. "I've grown my dream of fighting poverty and inequality ... Economic growth must be translated and in better living conditions. "
Other proposals referred to the decentralization, health and education. Offered to create a Universal Health Insurance and "a quality public education" similar to private education.
They will be complemented-forward, a child nutrition program with breakfast and lunch, water, sewer and light in schools.
retired commander also offered to defend a living wage, according to the basic family and job stability and defend the rights broken CAS systems and services.
solidarity also a pension for the elderly.
Finally, firmly said he will fight for peace. "There will be no place for drug traffickers and terrorists in Peru, will be fought relentlessly."
"No policy of silver comes alone"
Marisol Espinoza, a legislator from Piura, said his presence at the first vice due to the inclusion promoted by nationalism. "We are committed to honesty and loyalty, who did not succumb to the crumbs of power," he said. Economist and journalist, Espinoza was the only female parliament speaker in this period.
Chehade, the second vice presidential candidate, was hard on the corruption issue. "From today's culture over the money comes only in Peru," he said, referring to the controversial phrase attributed to President Garcia and Jaime Bayly.
As head of the Extradition Unit of the Attorney until 2008 brought Alberto Fujimori extradited. Offered to merge ministries and partnership with the means to combat corruption.
By Marco Sanchez.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Clever 2nd Birthday Party

Written in New York in a morning cold from a window in a hotel room

She did not delay progress on the morning

despite us

vibrates in its tracks and its asphalt
in lead crystal blue sky in the continuous light

their eyes looking at windows in the dry
arteries of

underground vibe and tire roar
accent while stretching their trees stretches vertebrae
glass and cement
expanding the light of new day
towards just point and where grown

I look from here from insomnia
this window
/ rented room /
I discover
it a pious face of windswept tears

know awaits me with that strange mixture of love and demolition
estate with that emerald glow
with the open flesh and excess noise with that beat
suburb and with the heads and tails of her bare arms

takes me but I drink coffee slowly
me in on the nostalgia of a dream that I'm
prepare my daily ritual
and off the light without voice
say I'm coming! I'm coming!
I'm in!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Blog Texas Registered Professional Appraisers


"SBS shields industrial fishing vessel owners by not disclosing how much is debt to the Fund and who are," said Commission President Production.

"The Superintendency of Banking and Insurance (SBS) by not disclosing how much is the debt of the industrial fishing vessel owners of the Fund of Social Benefits of the Fisherman and who they are, is shielding" declared President of the Commission Production, Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives Congress, Dacia Nena Escalante León.
"Clean Slate is the underlying theme, including government debt," he added. "The SBS has no arguments or technical reasons in its decision to liquidate the Fisherman's Fund, so that the Commission approved at its extraordinary meeting today to grant a period of 48 hours to give us information to detail," he said.

Escalante, also saw the same purpose intended by the recent Law No. 4506/2010 Project Executive, aims to create the Fisherman's Special Fund and transfer to pensioners for ONP, grant maximum amounts of S /. 660 soles, and establish contributed U.S. $ 1.95/TM of pescado/10 years, and a new U.S. $ 1.40/TM capture.
"The new contribution, equivalent to 1% of FOB value of a metric ton of fishmeal and fish oil, would be the economic flow needs today Fisherman's Fund to be financially sustainable, as we have noted, both the Deputy Economy, Carlos Casas Tragodara, and Superintendent Philip Tam Fox If this is the solution to the problem then because liquidated, "he asked.

In this respect, said finding a solution to the tragedy suffered seven thousand fishermen and their families, is an act of JUSTICE social, since the past 22 months did not receive their pensions.
Lima, December 10, 2010.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

High Bilirubin And Ast


expressed Production Committee Chair, Dacia Nena Escalante León.
The president of the Commission Production, Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives Congress, Nena Dacia Escalante León, ; said today in interview on "First Hand" CPN Radio led by journalist Mariela Balbi, who expects the support of the House of Congress to adopt the bill defines as exclusive zone for artisanal fishing and aquaculture activities, the coastal strip between the 0 and 5 miles.

He said the goal is to "defend the sustainability of fishery resources in the Peruvian sea and that the species obtained is used exclusively for supplying human consumption ( CHD). "

Therefore, he said "the need these days with a regulation having the force of law, to delimit the area of \u200b\u200bartisanal fisheries and drastically punished with fines and suspended sentences concession, authorization or permit fishing up to six months for his violation. "

In this regard it noted that it states that the Ministry of Production in coordination with the Regional Production, perform the task of monitoring and surveillance within 5 nautical miles. Escalante said this reordering fishing will ensure a higher consumption of species affordable to most households in Peru, and contribute to reducing malnutrition and improving health to the poorest. In addition, to comply with Policy Peru with World Food Security.
Subsequently, Escalante congressman chaired the regular meeting of the committee, which approved reiterate the invitation to a special meeting Minister of Economy and Finance (MEF), Ismael Benavides, and Superintendent of Banking and Insurance Superintendency (SBS), Philip Tam Fox, on the liquidation of the Fund of Social Security Benefits the Fisherman. Lawmakers vote majority (4 to 2 abstentions) rejected the participation of a team of SBS staff to give an explanation on the subject. Their owners had secured their presence.
also agreed to visit on Monday, December 6 facilities Siderperú plant in the city of Chimbote, at the invitation of the concessionaire, Gerdau. MPs want to check the operation of blast furnace as specified in the contract of sale of the shares of the state.
Lima, November 30, 2010