Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rolling A Perfect Neckerchief


Production In Congressional Committee, chaired by Dacia Nena Escalante León.
The chairman of the Committee on Production, Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives Congress, Dacia Nena Escalante León, reported that representatives of the unions of the country's fisheries sector, requested the meeting today that the industrial and fishing boat owners who pay their salaries are calculated based on the agreements signed between 1985 and 1986, 22.4% down a ton of fish landed.
was during the debate on the Education System in the fisheries sector, taking into account the current reality, the wage system and retirement fishing.

"The debate has just begun and is to analyze the implications of DL 1084, rejecting the unions of fishermen of the Peruvian coast, "he said.

fishing Among the leaders were speaking were Augusto Villanueva and Antonio Ipanaqué. The first alleged that such failure has generated 10.000 fishermen are unemployed. Both agreed on the need for adequate remuneration.

should be noted that a majority of workers in companies Hayduk and Copeinca of Chimbote, in protest have stopped working.
For industrial firms, grouped in the National Fisheries Society, stated Ricardo Vilchez, the same who noted that remuneration is made taking into account collective agreements AANEP-SUPNEP (1991-2007) and AANEP-SUPNEP (2007-2012), and the freedom to contract.

Lima, 14 September 2010

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Does Lysol Kill The Norwalk Virus


Nena Escalante León Congresswoman called a gross "makeover" the refurbishment carried out by the special project
Chinecas the section of the Veta Colorada Canal which had been destroyed
weeks ago after a water resistance test.

Escalante León considered grotesque and deception that have used special project Chinecas in recent weeks
heavy machinery and earth to plug and fill the channel areas had been destroyed
after a water resistance test conducted by the same entity. The parliamentary Ancash
went last Sunday to the Veta Colorada area and found that
out of trouble, officials have Chinecas channel filled with earth and left the area
as if to make believe that nothing happened, without revealing what kind of sanctions and measures have been taken at this
poorly constructed that withstood a water test.

"It is a disgrace and a deception intended to conceal Chinecas poor construction of the Veta Colorada
channel stuffing with the naked eye is an insult to all the intelligence of Ancash
"said the parliamentary journalists who presented videos and photographs of the current channel situation
Veta Colorada.
"There is a serious issue because it is a conflict Chinecas arbitration with the company carrying
Consortium Veta Colorada who left the work and thus to have destroyed this section by the force of water
, which show that its construction is poor, has not made use of Chinecas
resources to address them, but require the company to do it " the congressman said.

also Nena Escalante also was disappointed by the actions of the Dean of the College of Engineering
Chimbote, Ana Caballero, saying that at a recent event, said that the problem of channel
destroyed Chinecas was already solved, "Listen, if this land is filled with the solution, how can we expect
Chinecas a reality. There has to be responsible and
sanctions for this shoddy work, "he said.

should be remembered that in the month of July, the Congress made an inspection visit to the aforementioned
stretch, finding several meters totally destroyed, a stretch of about 200 meters, almost
"suspended" on the beach. The photos and video were delivered personally to
Comptroller General of the Republic.

Then, on Wednesday, September 1, the congressman received in his office a delegation from the College of Santa
of Engineers, headed by Dean Ing Ana Caballero García. During the session the track was played
of that channel. The Dean said that this problem was "cured".
response, Escalante Nena held on Sunday September 5 An inspection
the area to check the "cure" the problem, however, what he found was a crude
makeup and other damage (probably made with the shovel used to remove the ground and cover the gaps
under the channel), as other sections that are sinking, many cracks, and a gate
apparently "homemade" hardly bear the pressure of the water.

"Who did the makeup work?, Who paid for it?, Who authorized it, as this issue is aired in a court
OSCE? "asked the parliamentarian who recalled that paid
million new soles for this work, unfinished business and where the supervisor was SISA is
say the same then won the bid profile Chinecas not only overrated, but maybe
is useless.

Diario de Chimbote, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 08, 2010 00:45

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fibroids V/s Having A Baby Pain And Breathin


President of Production Committee of Congress, Dacia Nena Escalante León:

"Given the breach of contract part of the company Gerdau, SIDERPERU must be reversed to State, "said the chairman of the Committee on Production, Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives Congress, Dacia Nena Escalante León.

SIDERPERU General Manager Mr. Hermann Von Muhlenbrock, Chairman Mr. Raul Barrios, Luis Bishop Banbarén Gastelumendi, Congressman Dr. Escalante León
This was stated today at the session of that committee during the presentation of the sector Minister Jose Nicanor Gonzales Quijano, to explain its national policy of the productive sectors, fisheries, Mype and cooperative. Escalante said
Gerdau, Brazil's crime, has failed to comply with Clause 8 of the contract signed in 2006, relating to the obligations of the company that owns more than 50% of the shares, as is to keep the furnace operating, except for environmental reasons and / or competitiveness need not be replaced by a technologically superior assets, although in both cases should be kept for at least the 2005 production level, existing obligation for a period of 5 years.
However, he added, from the November 28, 2008 to October 2009 the furnace was inoperative and therefore failed to produce 264.386 tons of reference for the 2005. According to the Minister
Gonzales, restart the blast furnace is related to the issue of competitiveness in the proportion of LD converters. Although, it argues the high price of raw material (pellets) offered by the Shougang iron mining company, said the parliamentarian.

Blast Furnace.

On the subject of the Fund for the Fisherman, Escalante proposed that the Ministry of Production delivered no fishing quotas to fishing companies that have defaulted on their contributions. "Transferable quotas are allowed, we must make them transferable, sued. It also raised the urgent creation a working group to address the failure of 20 months of payment of pensions of retired fishermen.
Finally, the president of the commission warned of the existence of a serious problem with industrial employment and the low payment per tonne of anchovy.

Lima, August 31, 2010. With the request
Press: 311-7586/999287196