Sunday, July 25, 2010

Victoria Secret Best Bra


nationalist leader reiterates a tax on earnings at mining and hydrocarbon

Ancash, Saturday July 24, 2010 .- ; "President Garcia as a major lobbyist, has given ports, encouraging agricultural land estates, minerals, oil, our gas ... ; Arguably, this has been the government not only continued with no Fujimori Fujimori-management feature of Toledo - but it has been, without doubt, the facilitator within the State of profitable businesses that have done great transnational corporations, "he said.
With these expressions, the Peruvian Nationalist Party leader, Ollanta Humala, rejected the claim of the government to renew the mining mite . This last year of government –añadió el nacionalista- García debe comprometerse más bien, a no continuar con la entrega sistemática de los recursos nacionales y los activos de la Nación.

Refiriéndose exactamente al trato con las empresas de estos rubros, Ollanta Humala sostuvo que éstas no son el problema, sino el gobierno que considera que los intereses nacionales son la “última rueda del coche”.

added that a national government will establish a new relationship between state and capital more transparent and fair, where profits are important, but there is a corporate commitment to pay the mineral royalties and it does not leave the income tax-a tax on profits and, above all, that there is greater respect for role of the state to regulate investment.

"These four years of government missed a valuable opportunity to see much more growth to Peru, but especially in areas that currently are strategic and national industry, hydroelectric, petrochemical, agriculture, irrigation projects, establish a relationship respect and justice for the mining, collection of the windfall tax, among many others.

In his fifth day tour of several provinces of Ancash, Ollanta Humala, confirmed that the Camisea gas is first for the Peruvians, noting that "if there is political will to revise the contracts with the aim of favoring the Peruvian this process should not last long because the most important clauses are: to ensure domestic supply and the strong prohibition to export the gas from Camisea block 88 ".

recalled that this position in defense of gas to the country's development not now, as well as its proposal to expand the use of gas, particularly for homes and vehicles, and the creation of a petrochemical industry, electricity, etc. Thus, nationalist Ollanta Humala and reject the only gas export as raw material without providing added value, which may result in petrochemicals and electricity.


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