Tuesday, July 27, 2010

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; "Chinecas yes, but without corruption," he says.
A significant stretch of the main channel of the Special Project of Irrigation Chinecas is destroyed because of a serious deficiency in the process of construction and use of inappropriate materials, reported the National Congress for the Ancash region, Dacia Nena Escalante León.

"About six feet from the Veta Colorada Nepeña-Casma channel is completely destroyed while another three hundred meters from it, on both sides, show serious damage to its construction, which belies the publicly stated former president regional in that it had all the technical guarantees, "said the parliamentarian.

response, said she will expose this to the Oversight Committee of the Congress and the Comptroller General's Office to determine responsibility and apply the appropriate criminal penalties, as the regional government Consorcio paid Veta Colorada by the execution of the work over 32 million soles.

Regarding the newspaper version indicates that the destruction of the canal was because they did devise water, said: "that the water released through the canal would have been an event subsequent to justify the collapse of that segment."

Finally, Congresswoman Escalante said the facts show regional government's irresponsible to give inexperienced companies the implementation of major works by millionaire amounts. "This is the result of an agreement to persist in illegal and harmful to the interests of the IEO's Ancash region, did not do anything until we see collapse Chinecas works that are paid with money from the Ancash?, No! any way. The regional government must explain by irregularities in the project. Chinecas yes, but corruption, " said.

Lima, July 26, 2010.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

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nationalist leader reiterates a tax on earnings at mining and hydrocarbon

Ancash, Saturday July 24, 2010 .- ; "President Garcia as a major lobbyist, has given ports, encouraging agricultural land estates, minerals, oil, our gas ... ; Arguably, this has been the government not only continued with no Fujimori Fujimori-management feature of Toledo - but it has been, without doubt, the facilitator within the State of profitable businesses that have done great transnational corporations, "he said.
With these expressions, the Peruvian Nationalist Party leader, Ollanta Humala, rejected the claim of the government to renew the mining mite . This last year of government –añadió el nacionalista- García debe comprometerse más bien, a no continuar con la entrega sistemática de los recursos nacionales y los activos de la Nación.

Refiriéndose exactamente al trato con las empresas de estos rubros, Ollanta Humala sostuvo que éstas no son el problema, sino el gobierno que considera que los intereses nacionales son la “última rueda del coche”.

added that a national government will establish a new relationship between state and capital more transparent and fair, where profits are important, but there is a corporate commitment to pay the mineral royalties and it does not leave the income tax-a tax on profits and, above all, that there is greater respect for role of the state to regulate investment.

"These four years of government missed a valuable opportunity to see much more growth to Peru, but especially in areas that currently are strategic and national industry, hydroelectric, petrochemical, agriculture, irrigation projects, establish a relationship respect and justice for the mining, collection of the windfall tax, among many others.

In his fifth day tour of several provinces of Ancash, Ollanta Humala, confirmed that the Camisea gas is first for the Peruvians, noting that "if there is political will to revise the contracts with the aim of favoring the Peruvian this process should not last long because the most important clauses are: to ensure domestic supply and the strong prohibition to export the gas from Camisea block 88 ".

recalled that this position in defense of gas to the country's development not now, as well as its proposal to expand the use of gas, particularly for homes and vehicles, and the creation of a petrochemical industry, electricity, etc. Thus, nationalist Ollanta Humala and reject the only gas export as raw material without providing added value, which may result in petrochemicals and electricity.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

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Ollanta Humala from Ancash manifest lack of political will to the issue of gas and public safety

Ollanta Humala, Garcia believes that economic growth translates CELL IN BUYING OR BUILDING MALLS
Ancash, Friday July 23, 2010 .- The Peruvian Nationalist Party leader, Ollanta Humala, said today that no expected from the presidential message on Independence Day, for sure he will again be full of broken promises and swaying to the Peruvian people.

"Possibly Alan García say that economic growth is shown by the increase in sales of phones or the construction of large shopping centers in the regions. I do not think that says it will respect the consultation of indigenous communities on mining and petroleum projects which are cut apart the Amazon, or to respect the universal suffrage in universities, "he added.
"Nor do we expect to announce the failure to export gas from Camisea block 88 or the pants will ensure that the regions will be stained with blood and there is a real homeland security, citizen" , said nationalist leader, who is in his fourth day of travel the Ancash region.

Ollanta Humala, also said concern about the versions that say the government intends to renew the mining pence figure. "García Pérez as president that it is already out, can not serve again and guardian of the lobbyist on mining profits and sign a new voluntary contribution, boycotting engaging and projects designed for national development. "
This past year, "said the government must be committed nationalist rather not continue the systematic delivery of national resources and assets of the nation.
"has given ports, encouraging agricultural land estates, minerals, oil, gas ... Arguably, this has been finally the government not only continued with no Fujimori Fujimori-management feature Toledo - but it has been, without doubt, the facilitator within the State of profitable businesses that have made the big transnational corporations, "he said.

Friday, July 9, 2010

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After meeting with the Minister of Production, said Rep. Leon Escalante Dacia Nena: ESCALANTE CHALLENGE CONGRESSMAN

The nationalist parliamentary Ancash region, DACIA Lion NENA ESCALANTE, said that the decrees Supreme N ° 003-2008-PRODUCE and 010-2010-PRODUCE, are practically in chapel and about to be corrected, because they do not reflect the reality of fishing along the coast of Peru.
After the meeting with the Minister of Production, driven from his office, said the technical team of the Ministry of Production ultimate author of Supreme Decree that regulates the Fisheries Management published on 27 June, will be convened shortly by the Bureau of Labour has been promoting the Congress to discuss the problems of artisanal fisheries, and to propose amending the DS 010, which benefits the whole fishing .. For

the outcome of the meeting held yesterday with fishermen guilds of the Peruvian coast (north, center and south) to the Minister of Production, Jose Nicanor Gonzales Quijano, have reported it within hours of publication in the Official Journal El Peruano of a Ministerial Resolution, which establishes a period of adaptation of artisanal vessels to meet the requirements provided for in Decree 010.

Until 30 September, the Regional Production, made the verification of the anchovy resource downloads landing sites and processing plants for the purpose of ensuring their conservation. After that date, the Maritime Authority shall the surveillance and control.

also said that that the Working Committee will be mixed, as with the participation of stakeholders in the fishery, representatives of the canning industry especially coastal fishermen, through their leaders, and IMARPE experts and technicians, with the aim of defining the area of \u200b\u200bartisanal fisheries and their preservation for human consumption (CHD), since the current regulations, it is prejudicial to marine biodiversity and food security by the industrial fleet almost exclusively.

previous meeting with fishermen in Chimbote:


Ministerial Resolution Firm: http

: / / www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYKZkPNGaf8

Lima, July 9, 2010
With the request of its distribution
Press: 311-7586/99928-7196.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

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MINISTER OF PRODUCTION A technical definition

Congresswoman chimbotana Dacia Nena Escalante León, challenged the Minister of Production, Jose Nicanor Gonzales Quijano to discuss techniques to define the area of \u200b\u200bartisanal fisheries in the Peruvian coast, at the premises of Radio Programas del Peru (RPP), where he was interviewed today.

legislator maintains that the goal is to preserve the fishery resource for direct human consumption (CHD), represented by large majorities in favor of the poorest in Peru.

In this regard, said he would present a bill to define conceptually what is fishing, which is the fishing area, etc., Since the rules promulgated formerly Ministerial Resolution 017-2002, the Fisheries Act 1992 and the DS N º 003-2008-PRODUCE, through catch quotas is contributing financially to the big companies like Copeinca, Austral, Tassa, Hayduk and Exalmar .
"We are proposing a new bill which they can establish new actions specific to each area (north, central, south), in order not to harm fisheries artisanal and small-scale fishing industry, whose ability to capture is 30 tons, and what define whether this type of fishing is for Consumption Direct human, "he added.

said that given the different characteristics of the continental shelf in the Peruvian coast in the southern area would be the 5 miles and the northern area could reach 20 miles.

today stated that a tonne of anchovies for canning is about $ 123 and meal costs up to $ 300, why the fishermen with a boat with a capacity 30 to 40 tons, calan for the production of flour, leaving the Direct human consumption.

On the other hand, the parliament showed that the situation is exacerbated by the enactment of the Fisheries Management Regulation issued on 27 June by the Ministry of production, as it states 3, 2.5, 2, 1.5 and 1 nautical mile fishing zone to as artisanal vessels for anchovy resource extraction, contrary to what the MRI says No. 017-2002 established the 5 nautical miles.

Lima, June 30, 2010.