Sunday, April 27, 2008

Pediatricians In Gta Taking New Patients

EuroHipocresia Pending transition

few days ago, with the appointment of the Minister of Defense, is widely remembered democratic change that the armed forces suffered from the appointment of Narcis Serra for control and "laundering" held .
The police, various government and society as a whole, "suffered" the transformations demanded democracy and as a whole was designated as the Transition . While
all the above is true, there is a part of society and the state, which remains stuck in the past, dominated by belief, tradition or whatever you want to call that from the highest public authorities to smaller personal acts, is mediated, to some extent, by the doctrines and other rules issued for hundreds of years since the Catholic Church.
start with the day to day, and the first look at the timetable, still bleary eyes, prove that it is not Sunday, which is lively and we have to go to work. Posts already lowered his eyes and saw that it San Luis María Grignon de Montfort, founder , San Pedro Chanel and Santa Gianna Beretta Molla (1922-1962) . Difficult to find what Day is celebrated worldwide on the safety and health at work . This happens every day, have been added shyly Days of the celebrations of the Autonomous Communities and pco more. The schedule continues with the feasts of the Catholic Church, outside the civil celebrations that mark the life of society in general, without distinction of creed. I do not propose the elimination of religious holidays, but if they are added the other non-Catholic celebrations. No wonder therefore that the courts would not admit the name of Darling to search a citizen, because Apparently the bedside book of the court, should be the Catholic calendar. We will have to check this detail, because no state religion, the name should be chosen voluntarily with the only limitation of offensive words.
Good morning, ................. and good, healthy and safe work. Lucky, too, of course.


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