Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Abortion On Virtue Ethics

little piece of baby Gabriela Mistral air Mariposa

a) To better understand the poem, look in your dictionary the words:
pebble, outraged.

b) Analyse the poem:
b.1) How many verses have in total the poem?

b.2) How many verses?

b.3) How many lines of verse?

b.4) What kind of rhyme predominates in the poem, assonance or consonant? Illustrate

b.5) What the speaker expresses lyrical attitude? Why?

b.6) How do you feel the lyrical speaker of this poem?

b.7) What is the purpose this lyric? What he was inspired to write the lyric speaker?

b.8) What is the theme of the poem?

b.9) In the verse: "little piece of the child, Two suffering little gems." Literary figure
What is this?


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