Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Aztec Warrior Holding Women


During his visit to Ilo:
The chairman of the Committee on Production, Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives Congress, Dacia Nena Escalante León, arrived on Saturday August 21 at Ilo (Moquegua), where he held a meeting with delegations artisanal fishermen of the plate, Matarani, Puerto Ilo, Puerto Caleta Morro Sama and Vila Vila.

She found together in situ claim to the continuous violation of the 5 nautical miles in the south coast by the industrial fleet and predation of marine species for direct human consumption (CHD) due to the ineffectiveness of Surveillance and Control System by the Ministry of Production.

addition, seamen demanding the repeal of Supreme Decree No. 003 -2008 PRODUCE, authorizing the industrial fleet to extractive activities within 5 miles through the Special Regime of Fisheries (REP), after validation of the regional governments of that jurisdiction and reject the entry of foreign flag vessels to the Peruvian sea.

Representatives of the fishermen of Caleta Morro Sama and Vila Vila said they will request an interview with the president of the Moquegua regional government to enforce the Constitutional Court ruling that protects fishing under regional ordinance given in 2004 and repeal the act that the current regional office signed allowing all this predation.

also expressed that directly affects the family table, because the networks used in industrial fisheries are not selective, wiping out all biodiversity, including species for human consumption straightforward, and results in that reproduction, recruitment and growth of marine species is interrupted, so that little or nothing left for fishing, this is reflected in the scarcity and rising prices of marine products in the markets .

Finally, Congresswoman Escalante reaffirmed its commitment to defend the 5 nautical miles and artisanal activity for CHD, and invited them to participate directly in desk that will become the Production Committee of Congress of the Republic to define technical and legal fishing area in the future.

See Videos:


Lima, August 31, 2010.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Pattycake Free Collection

Escalante River pollution a serious check Santa

tailings Ticapampa
On August 26, doing their weekend travel representation in the Ancash Region, Dr Escalante came to the sludge
Ticapampa, noting the very serious level of pollution of the river Santa.

see the video at:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Magic The Gathering Cards Maker Mac


For decentralized hearing on fishing and inspect company Siderperú
In its first regular session, the Committee on Production, Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives chaired by Rep. Leon Dacia Nena Escalante, unanimously adopted its work plan to develop for the legislative period 2010-2011, and the formation Working Groups and members.

In the first case, Congress made some contributions, while coordinating those Working Groups congressmen went to Martha Acosta (Micro and Small Enterprises), David Waisman (Anti-smuggling, dumping and piracy). The rest, Fisheries and Cooperative and Economic Development, was not determined their coordinators.

Congresswoman Escalante said that prioritize the legislative, oversight and political control. He stated that the cooperative law, from 5 nautical miles and fishing quota, among others, have precedence in the debate in committee and the House of Congress as well as conducting hearings decentralized within the country.

pointed to the city of Chimbote as one of the places to be visited shortly by the Commission given its importance in the fishing activity and the steel industry, represented by the company Siderperú, whose oven high melting capacity is inoperative after privatization, not contributing to the development of the Ancash region of Peru.
Congressmen who participated in the meeting were: Martha Acosta, Jose Urquidi, David Waisman, Carlos Bruce, Luis Negreiros and Helvezia Balta.

Lima, August 17, 2010
with the request
dissemination Press: 311-7586/99928-7196.

Monday, August 9, 2010

How Soon Can A Person Taper Off Taking Cipra;ex?

Today was installed Working Group, chaired by Rep. Leon Escalante Dacia Nena:


L to Commission Production, Micro and Small Enterprises and Cooperatives for the legislative period 2010-2011, was installed as president today, taking the congresswoman from the Ancash region, Dacia Nena Escalante León, on behalf of the National Bank .

In the previous legislative period, Dr. Escalante was a member accesitario of it, after his swearing in as a Congressman of the Republic on 18 May.
During that time, played a strong defense of the 5 nautical miles and the development of artisanal fisheries for direct human consumption (CHD) along the coast, through to management and to make observations DS No. 003-2008-PRODUCE, enabling industrial vessels violating the aforementioned southern coastal marine area under Specialised system Fisheries (REP).

In this regard, and in response to demands from fishermen guilds of that part of northern Mexico and succeeded, after manage a meeting with the Production Minister Jose Nicanor Gonzales Quijano, it promulgated the July 10th Ministerial Resolution No. 168-2010-PRODUCE establishes the application of DS N ° 010-2010-PRODUCE - Fisheries Management Regulations, after verification of requirements by the Regional Production, a fact that allowed them to return to the fishery . the fundamentals of
Escalante considers the debate on the issue has not been exhausted and has proposed the establishment of a Working Group involving all stakeholders to identify technically and legally, what should be the artisanal fishery in the Peruvian coast.
As the new president said: "My commitment to work for this committee to develop a democratic, participatory, and I thank each of you, trust and some unions the area north of Chimbote, who wished to be with us to express their support and encouragement because work has to be also with social organizations, unions, direct actors often have not been taken into account. "

For its part, Congress Wilder Calderón and Luis Negreiros, stated that they prioritize the discussion of important issues such as the Cooperatives Act, 5 miles, etc. ., according to the objectives of the commission and Congress, and the country's interest.

Lima, August 9, 2010.
With the request of its distribution
Press: 311-7586/988548660 / RPM: # 777491